Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Dinner, Shower, School. Really Facebook?

Unfortunately, I use Facebook. I guess the main reason of using it is to keep in touch with friends in a way other than texting. I’ve enjoyed the fact it can connect you with people who haven’t talking to in a long time. I have recently been connected with an old neighbor who moved away that I haven’t talked to in seven years! Honestly though, it’s starting to become old. It has the same old drama similar to that on Myspace. When you were little, you got bored with your toy after playing with it for so long. Well Facebook is very similar to that. I’ve had an account for over two years and it’s getting very boring. A positive aspect of Facebook is it is a GREAT way to get the word out about any subject. It’s recently been used to spread the word on our class float meeting. Negatively, it’s a huge place for cyberbullying. Horrifically, it has even caused people to end their lives due to comments on posts on the online social network. People also thing it’s a competition to add hundreds of people that you don’t know. Sorry, but I don’t want anyone but people I know the have any of my person information. Many people use Facebook for both the positives and negatives. Some people rely way too much on it though, constantly posting statuses about the little things that honestly, no body cares about. Everyone is gonna eat dinner, shower and go to bed. They might even go to school and work the next day. Sorry, but no one needs to know what you’re doing every minute of the day. It’s apparent that people are slowly but surely getting away from the Facebook and all it’s unapparent attractions. But if Facebook is going out of style similar to Myspace a couple years ago, what’s going to be the new fad?

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