Thursday, March 1, 2012

L3: Furry Fears

There are two things that I fear greatly, one in which everyone will laugh at and the other that I’m probably not the only one have this fear. We’ll on a not so serious note, one of my biggest fear is squirrels. Sure, they are cute and fuzzy, but in dreams and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, those little things raise hell. When I was little, I used to love seeing them. Then years ago, I had a dream that I was by my grandma’s house in Cheektowaga, which is where I always saw them running from tree to tree. As I walked down the sidewalk, one appeared right in front of me, just staring at me. I bent down to pet him, when suddenly, he jumped and choked me. I understand that it is an absolute crazy fear (and that if you read this, you’ll probably share it with the whole class) but every since that dreams that occurred years ago, they’ve terrified me. My other fear is the after high school world. In high school, we have the teachers here, holding our hands and guiding us along to help us get through everything. When we miss something, they are always nagging to us to make sure we get it done. As annoying as the nagging can be, they are only doing it to help us. Once I graduate and am in college, the professors will not be there because it seems as if they could care less about their students. If I don’t have that little nudge from the teacher, I feel like I’m just setting myself up for failure. After graduation, I’m officially an adult and have no one there to hold my hand. I’m sure I’m not the only one who fears this, but one of the only ones who will admit to it.

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