Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Q4: MY Pop Culture Icon
I think of the term “pop culture icon,” I think of someone who had a
major entrance to Hollywood along with a huge exit from it. Between
their entrance and exit, they need to do something drastic that always
puts them in the spotlight. Someone that I look up to and is a pop
culture icon is none other than Marilyn Monroe. The appeared in
Hollywood when she was young. She was always seen modeling and appearing
in films. She was married several times. In her later career, she
starred in two amazing films, “Gentlemen Prefer Blondes” and “Some Like
it Hot.” Even at the time of “Some Like it Hot,” her career was starting
to fall apart. She became hard to work with and wasn’t able to remember
her lines; she became a real diva. Her slip out of Hollywood? Death.
She was found dead in her home at the young age of 36 from a drug
overdose. It may seem like she wasn’t much to look up to, especially at
the end of her career. One reason that I see her as an icon is because
of her true beauty. She was a pretty face and more. If you were to look
at any pictures of her, you can clearly see that she is not stick thin
like most other models or actresses during this time period. She had
curves and wasn’t afraid of working with them. Not being the skinny
little figure really makes me look up to her because she was able to
make in the show business despite being difference. She shows young
girls, even now, that you don’t need to be stick thin.
Monday, May 21, 2012
Q1: Beach Days
that warm weather is upon us and summer is near, the beaches are
finally going to be opening up! Most beaches open for the season over
Memorial Day weekend. I really enjoy spending a lot of my time at the
local beaches over the summer, me and my sister make a whole day trip
out of it. We will always leave early in the morning, making a stop for
breakfast. It is a long drive to get there, about an hour, which is why
we leave so early. The car is packed with everything we could possibly
need, drinks and food for lunch, beach towels, tanning lotion and
sunglasses. Once we arrive, we instantly find the perfect spot before
everyone else starts piling in. With our towels laid out and our tanning
lotion applied, we just lay there for hours, rarely stepping foot in
the water. I love spending time at the beach and out in the sun. The
worst part about the beach is how crowded it gets. Obviously, you don’t
want to go on a day that is cloudy and raining. It’s impossible to not
be on top of everyone on a nice day because of how crowded it gets,
especially with Sunset being a well known beach in the area. Even worse,
screaming children. I see the beach as a place to just sit back and
relaxingly enjoy myself. It’s hard to do that when there are kids
running around screaming with no parental supervision. Even though I
spend the entire day just sitting around, being in the sun is rather
tiring. By the end of the day I am completely drained from soaking up
the sun. But I know I can always look back on the days that I spend on
the beach and know it is all worth it.
Friday, May 18, 2012
Q3: Life Lessons In Novels
is hard to choose the best book that I have ever read in an English
class, I think it’s tied between two. Sophmore year in Mr. Edward’s
english class we read To Kill A Mockingbird. I
don’t really know what I liked about this book so much. I think that it
taught the readers so much without them even realizing it. The main
thing I was able to take from the story was acceptance of others, and
not to judge people. During the trial, Atticus was looked down upon for
defending a black man during a trial. Even though they lost the trial in
the end, it taught Jem and Scout that Tom Robinson wasn’t much
different than they were. The only major difference was his skin color,
which is something that people should not be treated differently because
of. Jem and Scout also learned to accept Boo Radley. The learned not to
listen to the rumors that people were saying about him and instead,
learn for themselves who he really is. The other book that I read in an
English class was Tuesdays With Morrie. I
read it in my senior English class and she made it the last novel we
read in hopes that it would touch our hearts and leave us more open
minded as we graduate high school soon. It teaches you the importance of
really living your life. Even when Morrie was on his deathbed, he tried
making the best of life and passed his messages, or aphorisms, to his
former student Mitch. What touched me even more about this novel is that
it is a true story. The aphorisms that Morrie mentioned along with all
the interviews with Nightline host Ted Koppel were real, not just
something made up to patch up any open areas in Mitch Albom’s novel.
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Q2: Summer Plans
feels as if I had so many plans for this summer, but the closer we come
to summer, it feels as if not many of them will follow through. My
sister is constantly reminding me that this is the shortest summer of my
life since I end school in June then start right back up in August, so I
intend on making the most of this summer. My best friend will be
attending college in Chicago, so we have so many plans for the summer.
We are kicking off the summer by going to the Kiss the Summer Hello
concert on June 2. We are both really looking forward to seeing artists
Carly Rae Jepsen and Sammy Adams. Later on in the summer, we are also
going to the Hot Chelle Rae concert that is at the Erie County Fair. I
will be attending a ton of country concerts over the summer with my
sister. At Darien Lake, we’ll be seeing Toby Keith, Brantley Gilbert,
Jason Aldean and Luke Bryan. Concerts are not my only plans for this
summer. Before going back to school, my sisters and I plan on taking a
couple day trip to Virginia to go to Busch Gardens since we never get to
do anything as sisters. I will try to spend as much time as possible at
the beach too. I love spending time laying around in the sun and in the
water. Even though I plan on keeping myself busy with concerts,
vacations and day trips to the beach, I know that my summer will consist
of a lot of working. Without my job, I would never be able to afford
any plans I make for the summer. I will most likely be spending more of
my time working than I will enjoying myself.
Thursday, May 3, 2012
P5: 90s Music Recap
I’ve been reliving a bit of my childhood that I am extremely excited
about. While scrolling through the Pandora stations on my phone, I came
across a 90s pop station. I decided to take a listen, since that’s when I
was really little, a child. As I listened, different artists such as
Britney Spears, Spice Girls, Backstreet Boys and N*Sync started playing.
I made me reminisce the times that my biggest worry was if I would be
able to tie my shoes or not today. Since then, I’ve been drawn to the
music on this station. It’s also making me realize how much music has
changed since then when in reality, it’s only been just over ten years.
Back then, the music seemed so light and carefree. Rarely would you hear
an artist say any type of swear word or sing about the things that are
sung about now. Britney Spears and the Backstreet Boys were only seeing
about the problems with love. Now everyone is using every swear word you
could possibly think about. Being in love turned into making love. I
always remember telling my mom that I’d be listening to these artists
for awhile, as if they’d never leave the music scene. I can look back on
that and laugh too. Artists are ‘hot’ for a short time. Britney Spears
keeps popping up every so often, but whenever she’s in the tabloids,
it’s about her latest slip up. She has changed so much, from being so
innocent to someone that our generation can look down upon and laugh. I
continue listening to her for who she was then, an amazing artist that
many little kids looked up to.
P4: Prom Follow Up
a follow up to last week’s prom blog, I’m excited to say that the day
is finally here! With less than twenty four hours until the final
preparations begin, prom is starting to become an extremely stressful
and expensive event! Anyone who goes in a limo knows that everything
with the limo is NOT a piece of cake. There is always drama between
those in the limo or what the limo is doing after prom. The limo that
I’m in had these exact problems. Being our catty selves, all girls from
the limo bickered about every minor and major detail about the limo. We
eventually all realized that this is our senior prom, the last big thing
other than graduation in which we will all be together. We are all
seated at a table together at Salvatore’s so despite the differences we
had about the limo, we needed to all compromise on something because our
whole night will be spent together. After the limo comes the tux, which
I was not happy with either. My dress is a bright yellow, I’m not
exactly sure what Tuxedo Junction was thinking when they ordered my date
the WRONG color vest. They must’ve thought I was wearing green that
night. Along with this problem came waiting in line behind at least ten
other students who also had problems. Several trips to Tuxedo Junction
later, the problem was fixed. Then finally, there is hair and nails.
Every girl gets them done for the big night. Except the prices that I’ll
be paying are a bit higher than expected. After thinking about it, I
realized that this is the last time that I have to purchase a prom dress
or go get my nails or hair done for a high school event. So I realized
that you can’t put much of a price tag on any of it!
P3: Teacher Evaluations
understand that teachers need to be evaluated, but in my opinion, the
tests are being taken a little too far. I don’t think that teachers
should be evaluated on the tests that their students take. Some students
are better learners than others, so how should that affect how good or
bad a teacher is? A teacher should be evaluated on the improvement of
his or her students. I also disagree with the rankings being released to
the public. I understand that parents would like to know how the
teachers that are in control of their children during the day are
ranking, but they can know by their children’s grades by looking at the
report cards. By seeing these rankings, they are practically asking to
see how the other students are doing. Teachers are under enough stress
being watched by administrators to begin with. Why add the stress to
present their findings to the entire public? I think that the each
teacher should be presented with the findings of administrators, and be
told what they need to improve on or what they did improve on. Teachers
also shouldn’t be losing their job over what the student’s capabilities.
The students can also choose not to perform well, so why should their
teachers job or ranking in a school be based upon those who would rather
slack off? If I were a teacher, I wouldn’t want my evaluations being
shared with the public. I don’t think it is fair to them at all.
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