Thursday, May 3, 2012

P4: Prom Follow Up

As a follow up to last week’s prom blog, I’m excited to say that the day is finally here! With less than twenty four hours until the final preparations begin, prom is starting to become an extremely stressful and expensive event! Anyone who goes in a limo knows that everything with the limo is NOT a piece of cake. There is always drama between those in the limo or what the limo is doing after prom. The limo that I’m in had these exact problems. Being our catty selves, all girls from the limo bickered about every minor and major detail about the limo. We eventually all realized that this is our senior prom, the last big thing other than graduation in which we will all be together. We are all seated at a table together at Salvatore’s so despite the differences we had about the limo, we needed to all compromise on something because our whole night will be spent together. After the limo comes the tux, which I was not happy with either. My dress is a bright yellow, I’m not exactly sure what Tuxedo Junction was thinking when they ordered my date the WRONG color vest. They must’ve thought I was wearing green that night. Along with this problem came waiting in line behind at least ten other students who also had problems. Several trips to Tuxedo Junction later, the problem was fixed. Then finally, there is hair and nails. Every girl gets them done for the big night. Except the prices that I’ll be paying are a bit higher than expected. After thinking about it, I realized that this is the last time that I have to purchase a prom dress or go get my nails or hair done for a high school event. So I realized that you can’t put much of a price tag on any of it!

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